HIGHLIGHTS Rosehill Resources To Double Size With Delaware Basin Acquisition Oil and Gas Investor Rosehill Resources Inc. (NASDAQ: ROSE) is more than doubling its position in the southern Delaware Basin with a deal to acquire up to 9,100 largely ... Marketed: Wyoming Assets, HBP Leasehold, QEP Resources Oil and Gas Investor QEP Resources Inc. (NYSE: QEP) aims to continue its divestitures in Wyoming with an auction for about 26,000 net HBP leasehold acres handled by ... Global Oilfield Services Market – Analysis, Technologies & Forecasts to 2021 – Research and ... EnerCom Inc. (press release) (blog) Unconventional oil and gas resources include shale gas, coal bed methane, gas hydrates, tight oil, oil sands, and others. These resources are costly ... Consol Energy to split into coal mining, oil and gas extraction companies Tribune...